Monday, July 27, 2009
30 Days of Pork – a true story
Amanda Kelso is the daughter of a friend of mine at work. He told me about Amanda’s “project” some time ago and thought it remarkable. I happened to stumble upon it again while researching alternative medicines made from pork.

Here is Amanda’s story in a nutshell – In 2006 she was a 34 yr old ad agency executive living in San Francisco. She also was a vegetarian for the past 12 years. Amanda decided to visit the dark side of culinary spectrum and make an event out of it. 30 days of pork was born and she was going to chronicle it on Flickr. She was going to have pork every day for a month. You can see her project here+
Here is Amanda’s story in a nutshell – In 2006 she was a 34 yr old ad agency executive living in San Francisco. She also was a vegetarian for the past 12 years. Amanda decided to visit the dark side of culinary spectrum and make an event out of it. 30 days of pork was born and she was going to chronicle it on Flickr. She was going to have pork every day for a month. You can see her project here+
It was a bold move and very interesting in a voyeuristic way. The word got out and people had something to say about it. Cheers and scathing criticism flowed freely. Today of you search “30 days of pork” you will see some of the aftermath.
Here is another blogs take on Amanda’s adventure. It’s a quick and interesting read.
Let’s see . . . you could try 30 days of . . . .