Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Another Milestone

One of our clan has has just past one of those signposts on the road of life. Flying down the highway you can see the big numbers from a long way off. That's why they call it the big 2 - 1. At some point you turn around to see what you have learned and what the sign might say on the other side. Everyones sign is different. I think mine said something about not wearing small underwear
To the current crop of 21 year olds, this point on the timeline represents two things, drinking and gambling. If some company could convince the government to ban kids from using their product until they were 21 they would be set for life. ABSOLUTELY NO Cream Rinse until you are 21. Boom - the sales of cream rinse go up 7000 %. The Cream Rinse shot is born.
Sarah and her friends spent a beautiful day at the Messina Hof winery among the vineyards learning the finer points of reds, whites and the hair of the dog that will bite them. We wish her the best, don't be the squirrel. Happy Birthday.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Fishing part deux
So now we have the basic fishing accouterments. It's time to find the place. Of course, I do 99% of my research on the web. While looking for forums and web pages that talk about fishing around Galveston I was surprised how many web sites were dead. They were still there but have not been updated since 2008. Then it dawned on me, the hurricane - Ike. Often the last posts were something like "we are still here but we don't know what the future holds" or " can someone give us an update on . . ."
I found that some people on the Island still don't have phone service. Apparently there is a shortage of marinas with working gas pumps for boats. Also many bait shops had completely disappeared. I am guessing internet service isn't at 100 % either which is contributing to the lack of information about fishing locations.
So with sketchy information we headed for Galveston Island. Basically all the fishing peers were destroyed by the storm. There are some jetties along the beach so we headed there. By the way, in Galveston some of these jetties are called "rock groins". Don't ask me.
The weather was GREAT, it was spring break and there were a lot of people at the beach. We picked a promising groin and proceeded to attach the fishing line-bobber-leader-sinker-hook-plastic crab fish catcher. 42 minutes later I started on the second rod. Thank God we only had two. We only had 2 fishing incenses too, so the three girls took turns being Linda.
We were fishing - you could tell by the poles in our hands, not by the fish on our lines. We were the only ones with bobbers. We decided to dismantle the fishing line-bobber-leader-sinker-hook-plastic crab fish catcher and focus on the sinker-hook-plastic crab. Many hours had passed. Fellow fisherman came and left, and there were a stream of tourists that would stroll by and ask "catching anything?" the pressure, the pressure, it was building. On top of that, we had - shrimp envy. Our $5 plastic crabs were being disgraced by dead shrimp.
No kid of mine was going to fry like a sausage on a rock groin without a dead shrimp. Several miles walk (ok maybe it was 3 blocks) there was and Academy (sporting goods store) and they sold cold dead shrimp and we bought some (along with hooks and weights and leaders to replace the ones we lost in the rocks). Now it was back to the groin.
Dragging the cold dead shrimp along the bottom was the key. Finally after 7 hours Katie sunk her hook into a giant 6 inch fish and hauled it up onto the rocks. I am not sure what kind it was, it was white and grey and unhappy. It was a proud moment for all of us. I added to our bounty 15 min later with my own 6 incher. Of course we let them go. And it was time for us to go. It had been a long day. We were dehydrated and our skin was crispy from the sun and wind but . . . we were fishermen.
I found that some people on the Island still don't have phone service. Apparently there is a shortage of marinas with working gas pumps for boats. Also many bait shops had completely disappeared. I am guessing internet service isn't at 100 % either which is contributing to the lack of information about fishing locations.
So with sketchy information we headed for Galveston Island. Basically all the fishing peers were destroyed by the storm. There are some jetties along the beach so we headed there. By the way, in Galveston some of these jetties are called "rock groins". Don't ask me.
The weather was GREAT, it was spring break and there were a lot of people at the beach. We picked a promising groin and proceeded to attach the fishing line-bobber-leader-sinker-hook-plastic crab fish catcher. 42 minutes later I started on the second rod. Thank God we only had two. We only had 2 fishing incenses too, so the three girls took turns being Linda.
We were fishing - you could tell by the poles in our hands, not by the fish on our lines. We were the only ones with bobbers. We decided to dismantle the fishing line-bobber-leader-sinker-hook-plastic crab fish catcher and focus on the sinker-hook-plastic crab. Many hours had passed. Fellow fisherman came and left, and there were a stream of tourists that would stroll by and ask "catching anything?" the pressure, the pressure, it was building. On top of that, we had - shrimp envy. Our $5 plastic crabs were being disgraced by dead shrimp.
No kid of mine was going to fry like a sausage on a rock groin without a dead shrimp. Several miles walk (ok maybe it was 3 blocks) there was and Academy (sporting goods store) and they sold cold dead shrimp and we bought some (along with hooks and weights and leaders to replace the ones we lost in the rocks). Now it was back to the groin.

Thursday, April 02, 2009
Our Latest hobby
Fishing. Yes, you read that right - fishing. As some of you know, I like and don't like fish. This ambiguity has been passed down to my children and clouded my wife's perspective as well.
Several time over the past few years I have considered taking up fishing. Why you ask? Good question. Clearly not for sustenance, I have plenty of other hobbies and I wasn't looking for an excuse to buy a boat or one of those vests that could hide a Beanie Baby collection. But the idea of hanging out at the edge of the ocean and interacting with its vertebrate and invertebrate inhabitants was drawing me like a moth to a bug zapper.

The tipping point came this spring break. The kids were coming home but not for the full time and we didn't have spring break vacation plans. What woooouuuuld we do? I know! Let's go fishing! I was on it. First - hardware.
Fishing poles. I could write pages on my collection of information, search and ultimate procurement but I will spare you. You know when you are planning a family vacation, you have all those choices to make? As it turns out, picking a fishing rod is like picking the season of your vacation. You have barley scratched the surface.
I settled on 2 Diwa D-Wave spinning combos. You're impressed, right? Guess what? They don't even come with hooks. You can't expect to drop a naked line in the water and expect the fish to clinch his teeth around the sting while your reel him in can you? Lets get some hooks. Do you have any idea how many different hooks there are? Consider the Beanie Baby collection - not even close . . . "Hey Bubba, you lookin to buy some hooks? What kinda leaders you got?" Leaders? State or local?. And so it went, leaders, jigs, split-shot, bobbers, swivels, Carolina rigs, Texas rigs, super secret double probation rigs.
Bait - that's all I gonna say about that.
. . . to be continued . . .