

Career Position Attained – CPA

Many times while you are finding your way in the world someone will ask you “what do you what to be when you grow up?” Seldom do you really know the answer. Some have an occupation they keep in their back pocket so they can appear confident and focused but even those people don’t usually […]

Galveston Bay Surfing

Galveston Bay is home to one of the largest ports in the United States.  Giant container ships and tankers go through the Galveston ship channel every day.  The line up in the Gulf to be inspected.  I am told when things get  real busy they can wait weeks offshore for entrance into the port.  The […]

What do you keep under your bed?

For many years we had a screen door and tubs of CDs under our bed.  I like this better than those big cabinets that sit at the bottom of the bed where the TV levitates straight up.  This is more elegant, although I think someone built this for themselves and it’s not commercially available, it […]

A Texas Slam

  Things have been quiet around here because we have been on vacation.  We rented a beach house in Galveston.  We were there a whole week.  Katie flew down from College and Sarah and Greg stopped by as well.  Fishing was number one on the agenda, and fish we did.  We did surf fishing, wade […]


it stands for Near field communication. Now don’t get that glazed look in your eyes. I am giving you a tip here that will impress your friends, make you look smarter and get you elected to the board of some lemonade stand startup. In the simplest terms NFC is this – two way communication between 2 devices that are very close to each other. […]

See anything unusual about this cow’s face?

As you may know some eastern religions believe in reincarnation.  And some believe you keep reincarnating until you become a Brahma bull.  Could this be the reincarnation equivalent of 2 people jumping into a taxi at the same time from both sides?


Banned by the NBA

So the NBA is on strike, or locked out or . . . . yelling at each other about money. I can’t say I care much. The NBA games over the years have deteriorated into spoiled super athletes who run down the court (notice I didn’t say up and down) and shoot, maybe dunk. If […]

First there was Pong

  . . . then there was PacMan, Zork, Doom, Civilization, The Sims, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty and Angry Birds   . . .

As time went by there were sequels to sequels but there were also, shall we say niche games.  These games were not trying to appeal to the masses, they were […]

Hitler wants a TouchPad

Hitler wants a TouchPad […]

Handbags that “jump from paper”

Taking a break from macho activities like fishing, kayaking and driving trucks. Sometimes you just have to give the readers what they want (besides mums, . . . it’s that time of year). I have for you my satchel toting amigas some very hip bags. These are sketched on paper then made into “real” […]