

Travelogue – Florida Bound

One thing we did different this trip was change up when we got gas. Usually we get down to around a quarter of a tank then pull off and fill up. These stops may or may not coincide with a meal break. The reason we wanted to make a change is because on our default […]


” a movie, book, or illustrated lecture about the places visited and experiences encountered by a traveler”

The actual traveling part

We have been to Florida many times since we moved to Texas. We have visited most of the coasts (Gold, Space, Treasure, First, Emerald, even the Forgotten Coast) and of course we have gone […]

Get Trampled

I just stumbled across this and I had to post. Apparently it’s the 40th anniversary of one of my favorite albums and all time favorite songs. The album is Physical Graffiti, the song is Trampled Under Foot, the band is Led Zeppelin.

it was a double album and the cover had windows cut out […]

HP CodeWars

Linda and I just attended the HP CodeWars event in Houston on March 7th. It was a truly impressive event. This program got started at the Compaq campus in Houston in 1998. It has grown to 8 HP sites around the world.

It is an open 1 day competition for high school students. They […]

Happy Texas

It will come as little surprise to my fellow Texans that we are in the top group of people with general good well being.  We are happier

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, healthier and more comfortable than most.  You can draw your own conclusions as to why this […]

Cool Babys

You know those people who get their haver on while staggering out of the convenience store parking lot?  Cylindrical paper bag in hand.  Yes we have all sat in judgment.  What if we just want to have a little public adult beverage consumption without all the added judgment?  At last there is Cool Baby.  It’s […]

Boy George on the Bus

As some of you know, I have been spending a fair amount of time working with our local school district. I spend time with 4th and 5th graders every week whether they like it or not. I am often surprised by what I see and hear. Turns out, even those who spend most of their […]

Cheese and Knives–Sharper is Better

I usually stay away from product endorsements. But I have been so impressed with one of my Christmas presents I wanted to share it with my friends. It’s a sharpener it’s called the Work Sharp WSKTS Knife and Tool Sharpener. It will sharpen knives, scissors and some tools. If you use a tool with […]

My BristleBot is dead

He’s NOT dead Jim

Long live BristleBot!

During our next meeting I vowed to breath life into all those “broken” bots. In the mean time, Those with working bots would compete int he BristleBot Olympics racing through a cardboard maze, bouncing off plastic pylons, spinning across the finish line.

Back at the 4077, dead […]

They call her BristleBot

3 parts and some tape

Our first Robotics Club meeting was just to get organized, talk about what we would be doing and to see what the kids already new about robots. They were shy for about 12 seconds then the damn broke and we were off an running. They were extremely interested […]