

I will be your CES News Translator (part 1)

CES – Consumer Electronics Show

If it runs on electricity or batteries and an individual might buy it, it’s at CES. Also, if it attaches to one of these gizmos, it too will probably be represented at the show.

I know you didn’t ask for a CES news translator and it’s a fair question to […]

There is an app for that

This phrase has come and gone.  It went from a hugely successful catchphrase to”duh, that’s so obvious” it goes without saying.  I think this was one of those really big shifts (notice I didn’t use the term pyridine shift because I don’t want to be considered one of those people).  It’s one of those changes […]

Future Technology Alert

I want to show you something that I think is not only very very cool but something that will change things from movies to theme park rides to advertisements. To simplify what is going on here there are robots, screens, a projector and the software that runs the whole shebang. It’s important to note that […]

This explains a lot

Apparently there has been a factory in China sending out these mutant keyboards in random shipments. Tech support teams have been alerted.


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Let me tell you about small speakers

I love audio electronics and speakers are near the top of that list. I spent all of the very first money I earned to buy audio equipment. I had that equipment for over 20 years. I buy pretty good stuff, never the top of the line but it always sounds good. Of course you […]

Windows 8 Review


I went to a preview of Windows 8 at HP. There were a bunch of HP notebooks and all-in-one (touch) desktops running Microsoft’s latest operating system. There were Microsoft minions talking about the new OS and it’s features. I also attended a presentation given by one of MS senior technical trainers.

Here is the […]

Crowd Funding


For some time now there has been this thing called “crowd sourcing” where a bunch of people who have some common interest work together to advance some big project. The stuff they work on is sometimes called “open source”. It’s an informal and organic way of doing things. People essentially volunteer their time and […]


it stands for Near field communication. Now don’t get that glazed look in your eyes. I am giving you a tip here that will impress your friends, make you look smarter and get you elected to the board of some lemonade stand startup. In the simplest terms NFC is this – two way communication between 2 devices that are very close to each other. […]

Banned by the NBA

So the NBA is on strike, or locked out or . . . . yelling at each other about money. I can’t say I care much. The NBA games over the years have deteriorated into spoiled super athletes who run down the court (notice I didn’t say up and down) and shoot, maybe dunk. If […]

Grocery shopping in South Korea

How cool is this? You are waiting for your morning train (subway) to get to work when you remember you finished all the milk with your cereal this morning. What are you going to do about it now? Well, if you live in South Korea you might just walk over to a seriers of giant […]