

Fishing in Galveston Bay

Galveston Bay is the second largest bay in the continual US, the largest being the Chesapeake.  Houston which sits on part of the bay is the 4th largest city in the US so it stands to reason there are quite a few people  interested in fishing in and around Galveston Bay.

Here are some of the sites that are useful when gathering information about the when

, what, where and how of fishing the area.  Most of the time people just repeat the clichés like coaches and athletes when asked questions on camera, others think they have found the holy grail of fishing spots and they they are the only ones that know about it and will do their best to keep it that way.  BUT there are a few souls out there who will really give you some good information.  Let’s start with those.



If bank fishing is your thing you need to check out my friend David’s site don’t skip the comments sections


If you are looking to find out what’s going on in the greater Galveston fishing area Capt Joe Kent writes for the Daily News in Galveston and posts a report every day.  Joe will name names, places, times and bait.



Kayak Fishing is one of my favorite activities on the bay, for tips and kindred spirits I turn to TexasKayakFishermen.  These are good guys and gals, very friendly.



One of the biggest fishing forums is 2coolfishing, the forums are where the action is.


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