This is one of the Christmas cards we got this year and I wanted to share it with your for several reasons. First, it’s surprising we get any Christmas cards, (I mean the real ones from real people) we have not sent out any in years. Second, I think it’s a good card, it has this picture on one side and “PEZ on Earth” on the other. It’s one of those cards that you can send to anyone except maybe Muslim Terrorists and can be from anyone except arms dealers. Third, Rob made it himself. I don’t mean he used his inkjet printer and whipped up a homemade card. He took the picture, copyrighted it and had it professionally printed on very heavy, glossy card stock. It looks like one you would buy in a store. I suspect he has several large stacks of these cards and I will be getting the same card for years to come.
To be fair, this wasn’t a stretch for Rob, he is a professional photographer, was an ad executive for Gucci and has written for the LA Times. But the fact that he has continuously sent us a Christmas card for at least 20 years is remarkable. Sometimes we go years without talking or even emailing, but he still makes the effort. PEZ on Earth Rob and thanks for all the cards.
(i purposely took a poor picture of it so someone wouldn’t steal Rob’s photo for financial gain, but it’s good enough for you to get the idea)