

yippy ki yay

We passed another milestone in our continuing evolution. We bought a pickup truck. Anyone who has grown up in Texas or lived here for any amount of time will suspect something may be wrong with you if you don’t have a pickup truck in your family. We are misfits no more. […]

Rockport Fishing Vacation

Linda, Katie and I just got back from spending 4 days in the Rockport TX area. We rented a house on a canal that leads to Compano Bay. The house had a boat slip and even it’s own boar ramp so we took our fishing boat with us and boy are we glad we did. […]

I broke my first rod today

Anyone who fishes with any kind of regularity breaks fishing rods. They are so thin and long. Most rods are broken in car doors, tail gates, under foot and in general boat mayhem. Sometimes they are broken with a fish on the other end. I would have preferred to keep mine in one piece (instead […]

Geoffrey and Olivia Klein

Our nephew Jeffery married Olivia a sweet Alabama girl in Dothan Alabama on July 16th.  We got to see relatives on Linda’s side of the family that we haven’t seen in a while and it was a fun wedding.  It was held in an old train station that has been converted to and event venue.  […]

HTML 5 Doodle

As you know, Google puts “doodles” on the front page of their search site to commemorate people and events. I find them almost universally entertaining or interesting. You can see all the past doodle here (time sink warning – if you go there it could be an hour before you return). Some of the logo’s […]

Relaxing in Panama City

Last weekend Linda and I flew east to attend Linda’s nephew’s wedding in Alabama (more on that in the next post). We took a couple of extra days and went to Panama City.

Linda found us a really nice place to stay called the Marriott Bay Point Resort. One of our favorite features of […]

Grocery shopping in South Korea

How cool is this? You are waiting for your morning train (subway) to get to work when you remember you finished all the milk with your cereal this morning. What are you going to do about it now? Well, if you live in South Korea you might just walk over to a seriers of giant […]

Kayak learning curve

Our kayaking adventure continues. As some of you know, I purchased a used kayak a couple of weeks back. I got a Malibu X-Factor. Malibu is a company known for making “big boy” kayaks. They tend to be “robust”. What they lack in speed they make up for with stability and when fat people sit […]

Will you Google + ?

  If you read news online you have probably heard about Google +.  The simple explanation of Google + is that it’s like Facebook 2.0, it’s Google’s social networking platform.  Notice I said platform?  It has several applications and a promise of more to come.

It is interesting to see what happens.  Facebook […]

Balloon Art

You have seen those guys that can make a poodle or a headband with a feather out of balloons right? What do you think would happen if one of those guys was bitten by a radio active spider or abducted by aliens? Well, Larry Moss might happen. Larry is all about the balloons, he […]