

I am going to show you something

If you have never lost your laptop power cord down behind your desk, or if your iPod cable has never disapeared into the twilight zone, or your USB cable has never done a mating dance with your phone charging cable then this post is not for you. Nothing to see here. I am surprised to […]

The coolest nerdiest idea of the week

Google prints your message and an envelope with a map highlighting driving directions between the From: and the To: […]

3D – How much you gonna spend?

In the consumer technology field today there is nothing with more buzz than 3D. This isn’t the first time. 3D movies have been around since the 1890s – that’s right 1890 with a 1-8 (sorry Avatar you are over 100 years late). In the 1950’s their popularity spiked again. we are all familiar with the […]

Econo Car

It has only 6 cylinders. It gets 19mpg in the city. It gets 30mpg on the highway. Are you kidding me? That is better than a 2007-2010 Toyota Camry! […]

Uprising at Engadget is a site that talks about electronics with a heavy emphasis on computers and phones but if you plug it in or it can run on batteries I wouldn’t  be surprised to see it on their site.

They talk about upcoming products and roomers, they have some hands on reviews but they are […]

My new infatuation


The gaming bug has bit me hard this fall.  First there was Left 4 Dead 2, and The World of Goo, then COD Modern Warfare 2 and now Borderlands.  All those games have the ability to create time travel – you know,  you sit down and pop open a game for a little R&R […]

Today’s Tech Note


Windows 7

It’s good.  I have been using it for a couple of months now and I have been impressed.  For most of you the difference isn’t so great as to cause you to immediately run to the store, buy a copy and disrupt your PC world while you go through an upgrade.  BUT  […]

I didn’t forget about my wingman

OK so I put together a killer gaming system.  I know what at least one of you is thinking “hey, what about your wingman, um, winggirl?”  The one who used to watch me play Warcraft (the original from 1994).  At 5 or 6 I taught her to play Warcraft and Warcraft II.  I set up […]

Get your Goo on


As all three of you know, I am a gamer.  I have been playing computer games for 30 years (yes they had computers that long ago).  It’s fair to say I have seen more than my fair share of electronic entertainment efforts.  I have one I would like to share with you.

Even though […]

I have the POWER

Enough about whimppy culinary tricks.  Let me tell you about the awsome power that I have aquired in the latest technology.In the computer gaming world, I had slowly morphed from one of the jocks on the beach to the guy who got sand kicked in his face and suffered as other players stole his health […]