

For the music lover in you


I couldn’t resist this one.  Music has always been important to me.  We have tried to bring up our children in an environment where they could hear B2Megadeath to Marley to Mozart but this takes it to a whole new level.

The Lullabelly is some some little speakers stuffed into a padded cummerbund with an iPod jack.  You can start inflicting your unborn with . . . . well, just about anything.

Would we have gotten one (a Lullabelly) when our kids were attending “the U”?  I don’t know, but I hope not.  I think it would have been a poor substitute for D’yer Mak’er pumping through 15 inch woofers

What is Dy’er Mak’er you ask?  You probably have heard it you just didn’t know the funky name

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