

There is something odd about this cover

It has been a while since my last post, I was looking for something interesting to write about and BAM! my eyes sent a little spike of energy to my brain.  I wanted to cringe, laugh and stair all at the same time.  Right away I knew some thing was wrong about this magazine cover […]

I am (probably) going to do you a favor

Several years ago, I posted about a new “service” called Twitter.  At the time, I wasn’t sure what to make of it.  In my never-ending study of technology and snarky opinions, I have come to this conclusion: It is something to make boring people feel closer to people who are “special” and for people who […]

The Lying Down Game

Wanna play?  Join “players” from around the world in the latest performance art/game.  This is how you play;

find an interesting play where you can stretch out (mostly) horizontally stretch out, face down, arms by your side, the more conspicuous the better – hold it have a friend capture the moment upload your your creation […]

Democratic cats

The votes are counted. A number of politicians and their supporters are in shock. Liberals are licking their wounds. But what about the cats? Yes cats. Just as the Elephant is the symbol of the Republican party, dogs are the preferred pet of conservatives. The Donkey is the symbol of the Democratic party as cats […]

Halloween is Great

As mentioned before, Halloween is at the top of my list. Of course, it’s in the fall so that in itself gives it a huge boost. Over the years, I have found that it’s not the kids who have the cutest costumes, but the dogs. Now I enjoy the sexy French Maid, sexy Devil and […]

Airbag for Your Head

More fun from Sweden. Below you will find the latest fashion-safety accessory. It is called the Hovding. It costs about $450 and will make you look like a supermodel. There is also a video for your viewing pleasure. At first I found it mildly interesting, then I thought “maybe this product has real Merritt”. But […]

Never too old for a ride in the wagon

Fred Keller and Judy Foster live in Alaska, Wasilla to be exact, and they built themselves a wagon. It’s just like the ones they had when they were kids except they don’t need to ask anyone to pull them. Fred – 68, built it from a Mazda pick up truck, fiberglass, foam and marine […]

Emergency Bra

“Quick! we are under nucular attack – give me your bra!”

“Really dear, it’s not what you think, there was a mustard gas threat, I was just taking the proper precautions.”

“Janie, it’s not you, it’s me. I just need more . . .air that’s why I am riding with Rachel”

These things just […]

How to do a Tequila shot in Sweden

Tequila shots are a mainstay down here in Texas so close to where the Agave grows, but Sweden is a long way away and something gets lost in the translation. I hope no one shows them the flaming Dr Pepper.


Fried Beer

Yes, that’s what I said – fried beer. You have (almost) seen all the things that they fry at state fairs, Twinkies, Oreos, candy bars, the list goes on and on. Every year it gets harder to grab the fried headlines. Indiana has been the epicenter of the “fry the most outrageous thing you […]